Mar 18, 2021 |

Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring this post, all opinions are my own. Two babies to take care of, a business to run, and a home to try and keep clean leaves hardly anytime for anything else, so I rely on Walmart’s Online Pickup & Delivery to keep us stocked on everything we need! There is just a $35 minimum and small delivery fee’s apply. Pickup and Delivery available in select markets. I love how simple the process is too. You just order what you need at or through the blue Walmart mobile app, select your pickup or delivery time, and submit! You can even opt in to email, text messages or turn on your app notifications so they let you know when your order is ready for pickup or on its way. So easy! With Easter coming up, I was able to grab a few things for the boys baskets like toys and treats, and even a couple pairs of shoes for myself! I LOVE these sneakers, and will wear these sandals all Summer long. From our everyday groceries, to clothing and accessories and so much in between, Walmart’s Online Pickup & Delivery is the ultimate mom hack! Thanks for reading! xx -Krychele
Nov 22, 2017 |

I know I have been putting this off FOREVER, but I am finally chatting about all things! If you don’t know what is, let me break it down for you. It’s a system that saves SO much time for both bloggers, and consumers. RewardStyle (Creators of has made it so bloggers can connect an exact or similar item to their Instagram photo. That way when a follower likes or screenshots the photo, they now have access to all the links the blogger has tagged! I used this way before I started blogging to find out where my favorite Insta babes got their outfits and I’m telling you, it is the BEST! It also comes in handy when I post an Instagram outfit that doesn’t make it onto the blog. That way, you can still get those handy-dandy links. Getting set up is super easy: Create an account if you don’t already have one using your email / Instagram. Download the app in the App Store. (You will log in using your Instagram handle) Screenshot – enabled photos via Instagram and get notifications when they are ready to shop. Instantly shop the products featured in the screenshot! All of your likes from Instagram will also be saved in the app for more shoppable images! Another amazing feature has
Sep 28, 2017 |

Good morning guys! Today I am switching things up a bit and walking you through a DIY! I have always loved crafting and adding a little extra spice to my clothing, but I wasn’t sure if you guys would be interested in seeing the process. So let me know if you’re into this sort of thing and I’d love to keep adding posts like this! Today I’m turning a $20 Jacket from Ross, into the $150 jacket that inspired me. Hashtag ballin’ on a budget! Let’s get started shall we?! The first step is to gather all of your materials. Here’s what you’ll need: Killer, slightly oversized denim jacket Pearls with 1 flat side. Size is up to you, I used white 8mm I think Gem Tack adhesive Tweezers First, lay out your jacket in a flat steady place. Then place your pearls BEFORE gluing them so you can get a feel for what it will look like and if you like the spacing. This step is crucial to ensuring a great finished product. Don’t just wing it! Once you have each pearl set where you want it, use the tweezers to pick up each pearl and and apply the adhesive. Then set the pearl back down where you want it, but be sure not to use too much pressure.
Sep 25, 2017 |

H A P P Y Monday babes! So unless you’ve been living under a rock the past couple months, I’m sure you’ve seen this toothpaste floating around the internet. And if you’re like me, you probably thought it was a bunch of BS. Well, it wasn’t until one of my best friends (whom I trust with my life) started using it and seeing results that I figured I would give it a go. It’s called AP-24 (because of the active ingredient in it) and i’ve unexpectantly started to really like it. I’m a pretty tough critic when it comes to my teeth, especially since I HAVE to have my morning stain causing coffee to get through the day. Hashtag momlyfe. Anyway, after using this toothpaste twice a day for 2 1/2 weeks, I have definitely noticed my teeth getting brighter without ANY sensitivity whatsoever. Here are a few of the reasons why I love it: No harmful peroxides- That means I can and do use it for brushing Kai’s teeth! Helps remove stains, prevents cavities, and removes plaque/ prevents buildup. What more do you need? ZERO sensitivity- I have spent hundreds of dollars on toothpastes and bleach to get my teeth white, and they all come with sensitivity. It makes drinking and eating so painful and to be honest, it’s
Apr 28, 2017 |
Photo’s by: Kaci Baum Photography Everytime I look at this top I think Of Queen Bey’s album Lemonade! I have a minor Beyonce obsession if you haven’t noticed. I made the mistake of watching her digital album for Lemonade while pregnant and sobbed for like three days after. It was so raw and amazing and just gave me ALL the feels. If you haven’t seen it, do it, you will loooove it. Wow, that was random haha. What I really wanted to chat about today was the best hack for gals that are around my size (L,10) for shopping at Forever 21! Their clothes are so inexpensive and fun that I love shopping there but hate how teeny tiny the sizes run in some items. Seriously sometimes I can’t tell if something is children’s or not! Which is great for thin women but that’s not the case for me. So a few years back I discovered that in the ‘plus size’ section they sometimes have XL or 0x size clothes and they are usually the perfect fit for me! I know there is a huge stigma that comes along with shopping in the plus sized area but I’m here to say WHO THE HELL CARES! Honestly though, who cares about a number on a tag? Not me. And you know
Mar 1, 2017 |

Hey there! Everytime I post about Influenster sending me products, I get a ton of questions on the program. So I thought I would blog about my experience with Influenster and how it all works! I just want to preface this post with stating that this isn’t sponsored. Just one girl to another on how I’ve gotten free products, and how you can too. There’s a common misconception that you need to be a blogger and/or social media guru to be qualified for VoxBox’s (what Influenster calls their packages) and it’s totally untrue. I myself signed up for Influenster before I even started my blog, and had less than 1,000 Instagram followers, so take a look below then sign up! FAQ on Influenster’s site: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. What is Influenster? Infuenster is a product discovery platform that lets opinionated, social media savvy consumers like you discover and share knowledge on products through sampling, reviews, and more! 2. I just joined. How do I get started? New members can get their feet wet by completing 4 easy tasks: 1. Complete your profile Check out your profile settings and share some general information about yourself so we have a stepping stone for what campaigns to pair you with. 2. Connect your social media accounts via your dashboard’s Social Impact page Connecting your accounts is