Aug 24, 2023 |

We’re just a few weeks away from meeting our 3rd baby boy and I’m making sure we’re as prepared as possible with my Target Registry! No matter if it’s your first baby or not, everyone should create a registry with Target. There are so many perks included in their year of benefits program. A few of my favorites: 1- You get a free welcome kit that’s 100+ value with deals and samples. 2- You’ll receive a 15% off registry coupon to grab anything you didn’t get gifted. 3- Enjoy 1 year of free returns because with a new baby to love on, you’ll need some extra time! As a mom of almost 3, I’ve found my favorite brands over the years and they’re all available at Target! A few things that I couldn’t survive the newborn days without is a wipe warmer, Comotomo bottles for when mama needs a break from breastfeeding, and of course aquaphor to help protect that precious skin. Something new we are trying this time around though, is this baby bath seat. I’ve seen so many of my friends and favorite influencers rave about it so I’m excited to try. Don’t forget to make yourself a registry HERE with Target and take advantage of all the benefits you can as you enter this amazing new chapter! Thank you to Target for sponsoring this post, all
Feb 11, 2021 |

It’s almost baby time! I thought it might be helpful to list out the things I’m packing to take to the hospital, and probably more importantly, the things I’m not taking. I way overpacked when I had Kai and didn’t use even half the things I took. So learn from my mistake and see what I actually used! Let’s start with what I’m not taking; Nothing for postpartum peri care. I felt great with what the hospital had for me with Kai as far as boy shorts, pads, cooling spray and tucks, so I’d rather just save my supplies for when I get home. I’m also not taking anything to do my hair besides a hair brush and elastic. I brought my straightener and curling iron with Kai and didn’t even touch it. I am taking a few makeup items- foundation, mascara, and eye brightener- but thats it. The bare minimum to make me feel semi human haha! I also brought a ton of stuff to do in labor (adult coloring book, ipad, ect.) and didn’t touch it. With the nerves and nurses coming in and out we mostly just hung out and watched TV. So this time I’m just bringing a book, and laptop to watch movies on. What’s Going In My Bag- My favorite weekender bag: I’ve had
Feb 9, 2021 |

I am so excited to show you all what we have been working on the past few months! Decorating hasn’t ever been my biggest strength, mostly because I am SO PICKY and still figuring out my style, but I am so happy with how baby #2’s nursery turned out. I was going for warm, cozy, and neutral and I think we nailed it. Now we just need him to make his arrival so we can put it to use! While we were shooting, Roman and Kai came home so they jumped in a few shots too! So happy we got to document the last of our little family of 3. My heart could explode with love for these boys! Click here to shop my dress! Furniture: Exact Links / Store Purchased From- Side Table Fixtures: Exact Links / Store Purchased From- Hanging light | Lamp- Home Goods Decor: Exact Links / Store Purchased From- Crib Sheet | Laundry Basket- At Home | Macrame Storage Totes- At Home | Terra-cotta Frame- Hobby Lobby | Mirror | Woven Pillow | Floor Vase- Target | Pampas Grass Baby Gear: Exact Links / Store Purchased From- Moses Basket | Moses Basket Stand
Jan 26, 2021 |

With only a few weeks left until baby #2 makes his entrance, I figured now was the best time to share the things I couldn’t have gotten through this pregnancy without! I also want to preface this post with the disclaimer that I am not a medical professional, and ran all of these things past my Dr. before I used them, so I’d suggest you do the same to keep you and baby as safe as possible! Here are the things that made the last 9 months more comfortable for me: Outfit Details: (I sized down to the S in pullover, it runs really oversized) Must Haves: #1- Pregnancy or Body Pillow: I am a back or stomach sleeper when not pregnant, so this helped me adjust to staying on my side, and helped support my aching body as I got further along. Truly couldn’t have slept a wink without it! #2- Ginger Essential Oil: If you are experiencing morning/ all damn day sickness, this was a game changer for me. I placed a few drops on a cotton ball, threw that in a paper cup and took it with me everywhere so I could keep it up to my nose. It won’t get rid of your nausea completely, but the smell definitely takes the edge off! You can also