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Family Pictures 2019 & Life Update!

Family Pictures 2019 & Life Update!

Say hello to the Valenzuela family, 2019 edition! These photos were super last minute, and thanks to our angel friend and photographer Brittany, turned out so fun! Getting family pictures gets harder and harder as Kai gets older, but I love how you can see his personality shining through in them. He is constantly smiling and running around. His little laugh is infectious and theres nothing I love more than watching those curls bounce around! So since blog posts are few and far between these days, I thought I would do a little life update with each member of our family. Let’s do it! Kai- Just turned 3 in June and is all things BOY. He constantly begs to be out digging in the dirt, playing in the hose, or a really messy combination of both! His speech has improved immensely and we are so proud of how hard he works at therapy sessions. We just singed him up for T-Ball in the Fall and are SOOO excited to watch him! Just one more month of Summer then this sweet boy is off to his second year of preschool. So far this Summer he’s been loving our mini road trips to St. George, Lake Powell, and Lagoon! He even got to stay in Grandma and Grandpa’s new motorhome and thought

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Deva Curl Product Review

Deva Curl Product Review

Hey babes! Today I am going to be reviewing a few of the items that Deva Curl sent me to try. If you’ve never heard of them, they are a hair care company that specializes in products for all types of curls. I’ve only tired one other item from their line, so I was super excited to get my hands on some more to test out! So, let’s get to it. First impressions: No Poo- LOOOOOVE. I really like washing my hair and feel gross if I go more than a few days without washing, so being able to get that clean feeling without drying out my hair was awesome. It was weird that it didn’t lather like a shampoo does, but then again, it’s not supposed to be like shampoo so it makes sense. Will definitely be using this product for a long time. One Condition- Eh. This stuff wasn’t my favorite. I like being able to detangle my hair in the shower with a brush but this wasn’t ideal for that because it didn’t make it extra soft and easy to run my fingers through. I’ve definitely had better. Styling Cream- Great smell and curl hold, but leaves residue. I know I am kind of picky, but I don’t like feeling like I have a ton of product

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Curly Hair Care with Txture Pro

Curly Hair Care with Txture Pro

Photos by: Karen Alvarez Alright ladies this post if for all my curly haired babes out there! I get tons of questions about these crazy locks of mine so I figured it was time I put it all down in writing. First off I want to say a lot of my curl just simply comes from genetics. I got my dads curl with my moms texture so it’s not too coarse and pretty easy to maintain. I’m most definitely not a cosmetologist, but this is what works for me after YEARS of trial and error. My daily routine goes a little something like this: 1- Wash & Condition: I used to wash my hair every single day because I love the feeling of a really clean scalp, but I’m trying my hardest to go at least 3 days before shampooing so that I can keep my hair healthy and not dry it out. The key to curly hair is MOISTURE since curly hair tends to be so dry! I use this shampoo and conditioner. Nothing too special, I just get it at Target. 2- Brush WITH conditioner: This is probably the most crucial step in my hair routine. I alllllways brush my hair while it’s wet with conditioner in it so I avoid ripping through my hair and creating breakage.

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