Happy almost Friday guys! I know I have been a little quieter on social media and the blog the past few days, but my heart has just been so heavy in regards to the Las Vegas shooting. As I’ve been reflecting on these tragic events, the one thing that keeps coming back to my mind is how fragile life really is. We truly never know when our last day will be, so I want to spend every waking moment living my best life, and part of that is loving myself exactly how I am.
The journey to self love is just that- a journey. I’ve always been a curvy gal, but it’s taken me a LONG time to feel confident and happy in my own skin. If you would have asked me 3 years ago if I would have ever taken part in a swimming suit campaign for thousands to see, I would have said heck no! But here I am today, prancing in front of a camera in a swimmer having a blast!
I can remember just days after I gave birth to my son Kai, starring at myself in the mirror and thinking, “holy cow, there was a human inside of me a few days ago…’ From that day forward I vowed to never take my body for granted, and most importantly, to never think of it in a negative light again. How can I not love something that brought me the greatest gift of my life?!
I want to give you guys a challenge today. The next time you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror, choose to love yourself. Choose to look past the things you don’t like about your body, and appreciate them instead. Look past the size society tells you is acceptable. Beauty comes in ALL shapes and sizes. So screw the tag on your clothes, screw the scale, and screw the unrealistic images in the media today. You are beautiful, strong, and AMAZING, so start remembering that!
Before I sign off, I have to give a HUGE should out to my amazing photographer, Brittany! We shot these Kortni Jeane swimmers in 40 degree, rainy weather! We were absolutely frozen, but had so much fun, and I love how they turned out. I am so proud to be apart of this incredible and empowering campaign. It’s companies like Kortni Jeane that are truly changing the world. You can go see more inspiring stories of self love here!
I hope the next time you put on a swimming suit, you feel amazing, because you are.
Outfit Details: Swim Top (wearing XL) | Swim Bottom (wearing XL) | Shell sweater