window.nastygoat = {aid:"QmpAtr2rEvP0rBE6aLr_vbMj2ipJhivzons1Kz6YwBmK",pid:"pV3wFgoS2e_p3hbV9eITadPmtqU9QNb47PkA8QwxvI4b"}; > Free People Off-The-Shoulder Embroidered Dress - Carnations & Lace

Photo’s by: Brittany Nikole

Hi Friends and happy Tuesday! This Free People embroidered off-the-shoulder dress is LIFE you guys. I originally bought it for my sons fiesta birthday party (I know, I’m extra AF) and immediately fell in love with it. The detail is so beautiful and intricate. I know Free People rarely does anything wrong, but they REALLY knocked it out of the park with this little number. Bunch of geniuses I tell ya.

My red earrings are by far my favorite piece of jewelry that I received in my July Rocksbox! They go with a lot more than I thought they would, and really are the perfect finishing detail to any outfit. I also have a pair in peach and if you didn’t already notice, I wear them just about everyday. #sorrynotsorry Remember you can still use code: carnationsandlacexoxo at checkout for a FREE month to try it out for yourself!

Mini life update: Last week I had the opportunity to get my eyebrows microbladed and so far I am LOVING the result. I’ve wanted them done for years but kept dragging my feet because let’s be honest, I’m a tiny bit afraid of the commitment semi-permeant makeup poses. But now I’m regretting waiting so long and wish I would have done it sooner. I’m working on a full post on them, so stay tuned for my before and after pictures and all the details.

Thanks for stopping by!



Outfit Details: