Hi friends! It feels like forever since I’ve posted on here. Between packing and a crazy 10 month old, life has been absolutely insane. Moving is sure to be the death of me. If anyone wants to come box all of our stuff up and drive it to Utah for us, I’d totally let ya! just sayin’.
So If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw how I posted about the awesome sale Express was having a few weeks ago. Being a fashion blogger can get expensive when you’re just starting out, so believe me when I say I NEVER buy anything full price. When stores have great sales, I take full advantage and stock up… Enter cutest camo dress ever!I Seriously obsessed with this bad boy. It is the perfect length! Not too short so your bum is hanging out, but not too long that you feel like a pioneer! It also buttons half way down, which makes it great for nursing! I love how the sleeves roll up too, it makes it versatile so I can rock it in the cooler months ahead.
That’s all I got for now, thank you so much for reading, have the best day!
Outfit Details: